Hide IP is the software you are looking for! It is a shareware IP hiding application that's easy to setup.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Gives you the possibility to connect to the Internet with IP hidden, with support for most common web browsers. Screenshot of Hide IP NG - 751px · 581pxHides your IP while active. Screenshot of Hide IP NG - 1223px · 770pxNot available everywhere. Screenshot of Hide IP NG - 945px · 1105pxLittle effort required on your behalf. Screenshot of Hide IP NG - 945px · 1105pxWant to hide your IP address. Screenshot of Hide IP NG - 945px · 1105pxConcerned about Internet privacy? Want to hide IP address. Screenshot of Hide IP NG - 945px · 1105px